Business Consolidation
A business acquisition is the process of acquiring a company in order to build on the strengths or weaknesses of the acquiring company. A business consolidation serves the same purposes but could better be described as an internal acquisition.
Franklin Development Trust understands that business consolidations are meant to positively impact a business through savings, synergy, increased capacity, increased capability, etc. They also have a potential negative impact because of a lack of standardization and common processes.
Franklin Development Trust offers the expertise and additional resources to evaluate and manage specific components of a consolidation or the overall project. Franklin Development’s staff has project management training combined with practical experience. We have on staff expertise in facility planning, logistics, warehouse management, equipment maintenance planning, functional and lean manufacturing layout and planning, and project management.
- Services
- Facility planning
- Equipment layout design/optimization
- Facility relocation services
- Space planning
- Project management
- Relocation consulting